Website Redesign with B Creative
How do you know when you need to redesign your website?
- Does the design look outdated
- Can it be viewed on mobile and tablets
- Have your conversions or sales decreased
- Have you received complaints from people about your website
Answering yes to any of the above means you need to redesign your website.
A website redesign can be a great experience when you team with the right website company.
If you need help with a Website Redesign get in touch with the team at B Creative. Let us improve your design and functionality for a site that delivers the results you want!
Before you contact a website company do a review of your website. Below are some steps you can take.
- Look at what is working and what isn’t working. What do you want to change and what you want to keep. Check out your analytics to see what are your popular pages and which pages are left quickly.
- Set goals. More calls to action, better navigation, creating separate pages for each service or creating a modern cleaner look
- Research who is your target audience. What do they like, what keywords are they using.
- What is your competition doing? Look at your competitors website and see if they are successful – what are they doing with their website that you are not.
- Refresh your content. Put yourself in your customers shoes and go through your website – is the wording too complicated that they don’t understand? Could having a FAQ section benefit your customers.